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Very good work! :)

Hello, how can I cut these pictures. I use Unity




As someone trying to make a pixel game, this feels like a godsend.


Hiring someone on Fiverr or Upwork would probably cost a lot buh it's freeee here


Sensacional mano, parabéns.. vou faze um vídeo com o seu asset e indicar para os meus inscritos, caso queira conhecer o meu canal segue o link:

oupa cara, vlw d+, fico muito feliz em saber que vai usar os assets, se tiver alguma outra coisa que você acha que pode ser util ou importante pra o desenvolvimento de uma demo, me avisa e entra la no discord.


I'm on phone rn so please tell me if you have the character in sprite sheet or as single sprite? Love your work :)




It`s beautiful!!!!



I can't believe this such a thing is free

Hello! This is an amazing assets. Can you share what pallet you use for this pack?

Of course, I'll add the palette to the files in the update tomorrow, as I didn't follow any specific palette, I'll try to create it based on the sprites

Thank you very much. It really helps me to combine my characters assets with this assets pack. Looking forward to it!

Top show

Nem todo herói usa capa 

Really great assets  you do 


Great! Thank you for update. Very nice animations. Something flying? Perhaps some water or scenery inside a cave/mine? Just suggestions.

thanks for the feedbacks, i'll add water as soon as possible and i'm already working on flying enemies

this too awesome!

Beautiful! Very vibrant and alive,  love it!

(2 edits)

Thanks to the author for his monstrous work and for making it free, this asset helped me a lot for my first game which is 100% free

I agree. This pack and the others from this author are AMAZING!
btw your game has password on it.

Wow this is beautiful. So lush and natural


Are the clouds in the background included?


Sweet! There is a good chance I will be purchasing your packs when my budget renews. Thanks!

whats size? 32x32?


Oh man this is so amazing! Best forest asset pack I've ever seen.

Hello, That's some really nice work indeed. I think some of the green leaves we can see in the preview pictures are missing though. The ones under the ground level with a darker tone. Anyway, keep up the good work and good luck

thank you very much for letting me know, I will check immediately and add.


Wow.. this pack re-ignites my will to enjoy video games again like I did in my childhood, your artwork is incredibly adorable!! I love it!


It makes me very happy to know that, really thanks for the compliment, it made my day better.

Aw I'm glad, and you're very welcome :)


Love it!!!


I love it, I see myself using it in a future project.
The most beautiful forest pack I've found.

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