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this is really gorgeous, lovely work!

Am I allowed to modify tiles (change some textures)?


very nice pack but unfortunately the sprites/textures are not individual but all in one .png file

Can I use your material for commercial purposes?


Am I allowed to modify the scale of the tileset? (Thinking of changing pixel scaling) and is it okay if I use this commercially if I credit you?

Yes, you can

Alright, thank you


mind if I use this for a project? might be commercial, will def credit you

awesome <3

what is the pixel desity of these tiles?

What does that mean?

Is it 32x32 or is it 16x16?


can these be used in a commercial title?


very good, 10q.

I can use and I can sell my game on EpicStore or any site use your asset? Of course I give you credit. I promise you


Are we allowed to modify to better fit our project's theme or are we only able to use as-is?

you can edit the way you want

Awesome, thank you!

this is EPIC!


!!! :)

cool as

It is a beautiful piece of art.

Amazing as always! RATE! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐



So perfect!

This looks sick