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Awesome! Thank you especially for the seperated hands part - to make animations! 

Thanks for the great game assets! They're perfect for my project. Really appreciate it!

Used the skeleton sprites and the tiles to make this game for a jam -

Great spritesheets and high quality tiles :D


the art is good, I realy having fun makin my game with this 

Вы большие молодцы

that's so crazy


is there a back view of the heros? also awesome art work, keep it up!!!




JUST INSANE !!! and free thx u so much


It is cool I like it 


Looks absolutely beautiful. I love your work!

Dale amigo te aydamos con dinero...Solo nesesito hacer el Juego y te ayudo

(3 edits) (+1)

Fantastic pack! 

I used these art assets in my survival game:

Hello! I really love your artwork!

I actually bought the entire set of packs that you currently have available.

I'm curious, do you plan to release animations for the other directions? As in, do you plan to release 4 or 8 way animations for the heroes and enemies? 

When I saw what you had listed, I assumed that these would already be included.

4-way animations will probably be included in the "World Build" pack, as the pixel crawler's current focus is on creating a variety of environmental enemies and weapons

Hello! Thanks for great graphics - I bought them with the pleasure. Could you tell us, when we can expect the world build pack?


(1 edit)

just a small request can you make some metal or steel weapon? or just recolor the thing


The bundle already includes a collection of reinforced iron weapons, but the free pack will also include metal weapons, but only in the future

(1 edit)

Hey, do you do commissions? I'm looking to make a battle game with this pack with the final boss being a skeleton that's HUGE!!! Like not fitting on the screen large, so I'm looking to see if the creator of the pack himself could help with the making, I'm somewhat good at altering sprites and am learning to make custom sprites, I'm much better at drawing and I've got some concept art for this fella.

No problem if no, just asking

Will there be attack animations?

Thank you.

I just bought the complete pack but wanted to implement skeletons/orcs first but i cannot find the orc's hands, any idea where I can locate them?

I opened the aseprite data and it was in there but not in the png

Thanks for the feedback, I'll fix this soon

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